Below is a selection of some useful links (videos and artefacts) related to my research activities. Detailed README files are provided in all repositories. For more artefacts, please refer to the text of my publications.
This link directs to the artefact related to the JSA 2023 paper (see Publications). It includes an open-source, automatic chain to compute affinities, as well as to verify various real-time properties of multicore real-time systems. These include a tight computation of tasks WCRTs while integrating blocking due to sharing data. A tutorial video to use the chain is available as well.
This link directs to the artefact related to the SPIN paper (see Publications). It includes automatic generation of an UPPAAL-SMC model from a drone robotic application as well as statistical model checking of various behavioral and timed properties.
The MEMOCODE paper’s (see Publications) experiments videos are available here. There are three videos that show the whole experiment, from automatic generation of RT-BIP models out of robotic specifications, to the execution of the generated RT-BIP models and runtime verification of a timed property on both the real and simulated robotic platforms.
The binary-search-based technique, presented in the DETECT and JSA papers (see Publications) is backed up with a detailed artefact here. Files are clonable and allow comparing the proposed technique with the classical “counting” one.